India's Unique Path to Development: Chairman of Capacity Building Commission

New York: Adil Zainulbhai, Chairman of the Capacity Building Commission, emphasized that India's journey towards becoming a developed nation under the 'Viksit Bharat' mission by 2047 will not mirror China's path. Speaking at an event organized by the Consulate General of India in New York, Zainulbhai highlighted the differences in environment and capabilities between India and China, stating that India's growth over the next 25 years will be distinct.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for India as a developed country emphasizes uniqueness and a departure from the Chinese model, Zainulbhai remarked. "India's development path will not follow China's trajectory because of our different environment and capabilities," he said.

Zainulbhai pointed out that while China's growth has been fueled by investment and export-oriented manufacturing, India's approach will focus on a more comprehensive development plan. The event, 'Developed India @ 2047', featured insights from Ron Somers, Founder and CEO of India First Group, and discussions on achieving India's developmental goals.

The vision of 'Viksit Bharat' includes housing, healthcare, employment, and education for all, alongside goals of self-reliance, clean cities, and inclusive growth, Zainulbhai explained. "We aim for a holistic view of India's development, not just economic growth," he added.

He expressed optimism about India's demographic shift and the emergence of a large upper middle class, which he believes will drive significant economic growth. Key drivers towards India's development goals include demographic structure and investment in infrastructure, he highlighted.

Investment in infrastructure, including airports, roads, ports, and electricity generation, is crucial for driving economic growth, Zainulbhai emphasized. He also stressed the need for reforms in the education system and policies that support entrepreneurial talent.

Binaya Srikanta Pradhan, Consul General of India in New York, underscored the importance of India-US collaboration in achieving the 'Developed India 2047' vision. He identified enhanced trade, technology collaboration, education, healthcare, and climate change as key areas of partnership.

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