This city has become Wuhan of India? Death toll increases due to corona

The number of corona patients in Indore of Madhya Pradesh is constantly increasing. Now the number of corona positive patients in the city has reached 923. 52 patients have died, while 72 patients have recovered and gone home. 799 patients are being treated in the hospital in the city. The number of corona positive patients has been declining for the last 3 days. Eight new patients have appeared in samples tested on Tuesday. Among the new patients, there is also a lab attendant of Blood Bank of MY Hospital. Earlier, another employee was also found positive from here. After this, half the staff was quarantined.

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A new RNA machine is being installed in the lab of the Medical College. This machine will also increase the ability to test samples. The work that was earlier being done manually will now be automatic. According to the information from the Health Department, 4094 samples have been tested so far. Of these, 923 patients have been found positive. CMHO Dr. Praveen Jadia told that the process of installing the new machine was on. Due to this, the investigation report of some samples was not received till Tuesday night.

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Rapid screening is being done in the city. The results of the door-to-door screening have started coming out. On Tuesday, 28,037 houses were screened on the first day. Out of these, 24 people were found who have come in contact with corona patients somewhere. 474 people told the screening team that they have complaints like cold, cough, fever or difficulty in breathing.

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