Instagram to Make It More Difficult to Slide into DMs of Unknown People

Washington:  In a proactive move to bolster user privacy and security, Instagram is reportedly in the process of developing a new feature designed to raise barriers against unsolicited direct messages (DMs) from unfamiliar individuals. The envisaged feature mandates users to submit a follow request to the intended recipient before initiating a DM conversation. This precautionary step seeks to curb the influx of messages from strangers, effectively thwarting unwelcome interactions.

Although this safeguarding feature is still in the developmental stage and hasn't been universally rolled out, WABetaInfo—a respected source for monitoring Instagram updates—has shared screenshots spotlighting the feature's forthcoming implementation.

As depicted in the previewed screenshots, when users attempt to send a DM to someone they don't already follow, a novel button labeled "Send Request" emerges.

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This button serves as a gateway to initiating a DM exchange, contingent upon the recipient's decision. Should the recipient accept the request, the sender will be permitted to send DMs. Conversely, if the request is declined, the sender's ability to DM the recipient will be curtailed.

This innovative DM protection mechanism serves as a pivotal inclusion within Instagram's repertoire. Not only does it offer a defense against unwanted messages from unknown sources, but it also contributes to the prevention of spam and abusive interactions within the platform's ecosystem.

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Drawing parallels with a pre-existing feature on Facebook, the DM protection feature on Instagram echoes a comparable functionality where users can exclusively exchange messages with individuals they are friends with. The success of this approach on Facebook has translated into a reduction in spam and abusive conduct on the platform.

While the precise rollout timeline for the DM protection feature remains uncertain, its eventual availability to the entire Instagram user base is anticipated within the forthcoming weeks or months. Upholding Digital Boundaries: Guarding Against Unwanted DMs

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Beyond the impending DM protection feature, users can adopt additional measures to enhance their safeguarding against unwanted DMs:

Selective Following: Limit connections to individuals you personally know and trust, minimizing the likelihood of receiving unsolicited messages. Bio Awareness: Exercise discretion in disclosing personal information within your bio to avoid inadvertently attracting unwanted attention. Reporting Mechanism: Swiftly report any unsolicited or inappropriate DMs to Instagram, facilitating the platform's efforts to maintain a secure environment.

By incorporating these recommended practices, users can significantly fortify their Instagram accounts against unwanted messages and interactions. This holistic approach ensures a safer and more enjoyable experience while engaging within the platform's vibrant community.

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