Know interesting facts of world which can surprise you

This world is as beautiful as it is full of interesting facts. You must have heard about many interesting facts related to this world, which surprise people. Today we are going to tell you about some such interesting facts, after knowing that you probably will not be able to believe it. There is a place in Namibia where the Atlantic Ocean meets the West Coast Desert. It is the oldest desert in the world, which is more than five and a half million years old. Its special thing is that the sand dunes seen here are the largest in the whole world.

Horse came from Red Zone with owner, administration quarantined

It is generally believed that notes are made of paper, but you will be surprised to know that notes are made of cotton rather than paper. This is because cotton is much stronger than paper and they do not burst quickly. Hariyal, the state bird of Maharashtra, is such a bird that never sets its feet on the earth. It like forests with tall trees. Harial birds often like to build their nests on peepal and banyan trees. It is social animals and are mostly found in herds.

Maharana Kumbha had built so many forts under his rule

How much the drinking water scarcity is worldwide, it is well known. But do you know which country is the one that has the most potable water in the world. The name of this country is Brazil, which has the highest amount of renewable water resources, totaling 8,233 cubic kilometers.

This place is known as 'Ghost Town', know why

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