Interesting ways to prepare Eggplant dishes

Aubergine also is known as eggplant is one of the bitter vegetables. Most people don’t like it in there diet. You must be familiar with the smell of burning of roasted brinjal. Yes, it's a common ingredient in Indian cuisine but only limited dishes are prepared with this versatile vegetable. 

Here we are to break the norm and delve into some interesting eggplant recipes that will not only make you forget its better taste but allow it to become your new favourite. Some ideas to prepare it in an interesting way:

Baba Ganoush 

Let us tell you this dip is full of flavours and delicious. Made with olive oil, garlic, red chilli, tahini, lemon, parsley and brinjal, this dish can be the perfect dip for salads or starters. 

Brinjal Parmesan Bake 

This eggplant parmesan bake is cheesy and hearty and feels like comfort food. It is a favourite amongst those who have been introduced to the cheesy gloriousness of this incredible dish. 

Stuffed Aubergines 

This mouthwatering stuffed aubergine dish that will become the favourite on your lunch table. It is a side dish prepared with cutting the brinjal lengthwise and stuffed with cooked veggies and topped with some pomegranate and coriander. You can add any veggies you like. 

Brinjal Grilled Parcels 

Bundles of tomato and mozzarella wrapped in thin slices of aubergine taste amazingly good. These little delights definitely deserve a place on your dinner table. 

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