International Day of Non-Violence: Let's Grow Past the Hatred

There have been plenty of violent conflicts in this world that have taken many lives and left many more grieving. Every place you visit has tales of how someone's ambition for power or money led to the murder of innocent people and the devastation of lovely cities. Even battles that were fought for just causes, like the American Civil War, which led to the abolition of slavery, have resulted in a high number of fatalities.

The International Day of Non-Violence honours those individuals who, fortunately, have pursued the reforms they considered necessary in this world without resorting to violence or outright coercion. There is no doubting that a day honouring non-violent means of expressing oneself and effecting change is overdue and that these non-violent methods of battling injustice more than certainly merit their own day, regardless of where you live.

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To Make People Aware: 

Since it has been used so frequently over the past century, the term "non-violence" has acquired new meanings. In addition to being a force for social change rather than only opposing war, it is frequently thought to be synonymous with pacifism, which it can be. The UN wants to spread the different types of non-violence that are available today through education and awareness.

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A tried-and-true strategy for social change is nonviolence: 

The word "non-violence" serves as a catch-all for a number of different types of behaviour. Protests, marches, and vigils are examples of non-violent actions that were successfully used in the 1960s to bring about social reforms in America. Blockades and sit-ins, two non-violent forms of action, were successfully employed in America to highlight more disparities. All of these initiatives resulted in the ideas spreading in peace.

There are many disputes to be resolved: 

The global economy is now more productive, yet there are more challenging problems as a result of globalisation. It will be essential to share nonviolent principles and success stories in order to prevent these issues from turning violent.

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