Iran's Khamenei asks India to stop attacks on Muslims after deadly riots

Baghdad: Against the backdrop of Delhi violence, Iran's top leader Ayatollah Khamenei has made objectionable statements regarding India. He has tweeted that the Muslims of the world are hurt by the massacre of Muslims in India. The Indian government should curb fundamentalist Hindus and such parties and stop the massacre of Muslims. This has to be done to prevent India's isolation from the Islamic world.

Earlier, Iran's Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif on Monday expressed deep concern over the violence in Delhi, terming it as 'organized violence' against the minority community. He requested the Government of India to take care of 'all Indians and the rule of law' and resolve the issues through peaceful dialogue.

India had strongly objected to this and said that it disapproved of interference in its internal affairs. India had made it clear that the Iranian foreign minister completely rejects the way in which the selective approach of violence has been widely viewed. Even Iran's ambassador was summoned to register a protest in India.

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