United Nations should be held accountable for stopping the aircraft: Iran

Tehran: The United States is being blamed for the incident that Iran stopped the Iranian passenger plane in Syrian airspace last month from the United Nations. This passenger aircraft was intercepted by two American fighters. Iran termed the stoppage of its planes by the US as illegal and indiscriminate. Where Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi said in a letter to the UN Secretary-General Guterres and the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday that Iran has raised a strong objection against this violation of international law and that it The matter is to be raised in relevant international institutions.

Ravanchi said that on July 23, Flight A310 of the 'great' airline going from Tehran to Beirut was aggressively and unfairly intercepted by two US F-15 fighters while passing through Syrian airspace. The ambassador has stated that the aviation company had to suddenly change its altitude as a response to the aggressive and dangerous actions taken by the American fighter aircraft and to protect the lives of civilian aircraft and passengers, causing serious injuries to passengers aboard she came.

The US Navy Captain and Central Command spokesman Bill Urban said at the time of the incident that the US F-15 fighter aircraft had inspected the passenger aircraft of the airline from a distance of about 1000 meters. The Iranian ambassador told this time that according to the provisions of the International Civil Aviation Treaty, the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran contacted the Syrian authorities and requested an immediate and accurate investigation into the incident.

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