Is it necessary to detox your hair???

Haircare is one area where women can obsess about having the latest and greatest hair style. It is easy to fall into the trap of altering one’s locks by colouring it constantly, using products full of chemicals, or frequently changing up the style with the use of high heat.

Detox is necessary. Whether it’s your body, skin or hair. Most people have no clue as to why it is necessary. After the first detox, you will see and feel the difference and you will be hooked, but it’s not just about the hair itself, it’s what we put in our hair, the shampoo and the styling products we pile on to create that perfect look that’s sold to us. From serums to keep it sleek and straight, to pump up to get the to-die-for volume, on to curl effect to stop frizzy curls.

Tips to follow when detoxing your hair:

Massage you scalp to detox. It is relaxing and therapeutic and helps to improve circulation. It drains out the toxins accumulated on the scalp. It removes dead skin cells and unclogs the hair follicles. Use a gentle detox shampoo that protects the hair and eliminates damage. Use lemon and cucumber as the citric acid in lemon cleans the scalp and the cucumber will soothe it. It is effective for oily scalps as it gets rid of dandruff, grease and promotes hair growth. Make a nutrient rich clay mask. It helps repair and renew the scalp skin by nourishing it with pro-vitamins and minerals. Baking Soda works great to remove product build up and cleans your scalp. This is a cheap and effective remedy.

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