Itchy Scalp? Try these home Remedies

Dandruff is not a petty problem that can be ignored. At the same time, it is not so big a problem that can’t be solved. There are many products available in the market that can help you get rid of dandruff. But, most are not effective in keeping your scalp dandruff-free on a long-term basis.

Try these effective home remedies

COCONUT OIL – Coconut oil can help reduce some of the yeast that contributes to flakes. Massage a small amount into your scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

NEEM - One way to address your dandruff woes is by using a home-made pack containing neem. You will need neem juice, coconut milk and beetroot juice and coconut oil.

LISTERINE - Listerine mouthwash possesses antifungal properties that fight the dandruff-causing yeast and prevent its growth. Mix listerine with water and apply this after washing with regular shampoo.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – This mildly exfoliates your scalp and gets rid of excess dead skin. It is useful in removing those loose flakes stuck in your hair-instead of just breaking the pieces of skin up into smaller pieces.

ALOE VERA GEL - Aloe vera gel is effective in keeping dandruff in-check. Apart from its anti-fungal properties, it also is soothing to the scalp and keeps itching at bay.

ASPIRIN - Aspirin contains an active ingredient “salicylic acid” which is common in many medicated dandruff shampoos. Crush two aspirins making a fine powder and add it to the normal amount of shampoo you use to wash your hair.

LEMONS - Lemon's acidity helps balance the pH of your scalp, which helps keeps dandruff at bay.

SUNLIGHT – Research says that, when a person is exposed or spends too much time in the sun, dandruff reduces.

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