Know all about female hormones function and how it can effects health

They control the signals that create life or change it irrevocably. We all know a little bit about hormones thanks to our school textbooks. While all of us may have different levels of knowledge about them, it is essential to know a few things as hormones play a major role in our lives. From our mood swings to our physical health, these hormones have a lot to do with the way we function. Even a little disbalance in them affects us in one or the other, and in order to understand how this happens, we give the lowdown on how different hormones work in our body. Read on to find out more about them and how they affect our physical and mental state.

Hormones work and impact your health

Hormones can even affect the functioning of the immune system and alter behaviour. These hormones play a vital role in shaping our characteristics as well as our physical attributes. In women, estrogen contributes to the quality and texture of the hair, skin and voice. In men, testosterone plays this role, making the hair, voice and skin coarse. So if you notice that your hair has lost its sheen or become dry and rough, it could be the doing of your hormone levels. When there is a dip or imbalance in your hormonal levels, it impacts you in some way or the other. That’s the reason it is important to ensure that you stay healthy so that they are balanced.

Gender issues hormones work and impact your health  Contrary to popular opinion there is no gender based difference in which hormone a body produces. “They only differ in proportions. Cortisol, the thyroid hormone and the sex hormones including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are present in both sexes, and are all essential for health and vitality,” she explains. While we all have these hormones, it is the amount in which your body produces them that determines their balance or imbalance. It has grouped the three main hormones in males under the term, ‘The Three Amigos’, aka cortisol, the thyroid hormone and testosterone. The female counterpart of this is ‘The Charlie’s Angels’, aka cortisol, the thyroid hormone and estrogen. This is a fun way to remember the primary hormones that affect your body. Each of these play a different role. When the level of cortisol hormone increases, it leads to more stress, or vice versa. Stress more and this level increases and it starts affecting your health. Thyroid gland which is responsible for producing the hormone of the same name is another important one. When there is an imbalance, it can affect your health and lead to sudden weight gain, affect your skin, make your hair brittle and also cause weakening of muscles.

Imbalance in estrogen levels are the reason why women have different moods. It also affects their menstrual cycle, libido and stamina. Whenever there is an imbalance in hormonal levels, you are bound to feel the effects in some way, but most of us are unable to spot the reason for this happening. For instance, feeling low on some days and being extremely happy on others can be attributed to a play of hormones. While you cannot simply blame it on them, they could be a reason and if things go out of control, it is best to go to a doctor who can help you figure out the real cause of the imbalance.

Hormones work and impact your health

Males have high levels of testosterone, which is responsible for their libido, appetite, and secondary sexual features like a deep voice and facial hair. It is secreted by the testicles and adrenals, and is responsible for strength and sperm production. Men also have low levels of estrogen, secreted by the adrenal glands. With age, testosterone levels decline, and when coupled with an increase in estrogen (mainly due to weight gain as fat cells convert small quantities of testosterone to estrogen), leads to fatigue, reduced energy, strength and libido, an increased risk of prostrate and heart disease, and gynecomastia or breast fat. Progesterone levels in males are lower than in females but it has almost similar functions, ie to calm the mood, improve vitality, regulate sleep and behaviour, and promote the healthy distribution of fat.” Usually, during one’s teen years is when their hormones are raging and their bodies are changing during puberty. That’s the reason for all the sudden changes in their voice, the appearance of facial hair, acne growth and more.

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Wonder women hormones work and impact your health

In girls and women, estrogen is the predominant hormone. Every month, it guides the thickening of the uterine lining to prepare for pregnancy, in the absence of which its levels drop and the body sheds this lining via menstruation. So estrogen levels are at their peak right before menstruation, causing the dreaded premenstrual syndrome or PMS. This hormone is secreted by the ovaries, adrenal glands and fat cells and its level declines with age. Estrogen is instrumental in the development of secondary sexual characteristics like breasts and pubic hair, and also in maintaining bone density and healthy cholesterol levels.” The changes first take place when one hits puberty, the age for which varies. For some it can be in the beginning of teenage years, for others it can be a little earlier or later as well, depending on one’s body’s development. This is the time when a woman sees changes like the growth of breasts, the beginning of menstrual cycle, and the onset of mood swings. Progesterone is a more nurturing hormone and balances the unwanted effects of estrogen. It calms the mind, promotes restful sleep, tames irritation and bloating, and redistributes body fat.

The third sex hormone, testosterone, is present in low quantities in women, secreted by the adrenal glands and ovaries. It aids in building muscle tone, strength, libido and vigour; but in excess, it can lead to acne, hirsutism, irregular menstruation, aggression and even PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).” Estrogen is divided into three types: Estrone (E1), which is made in the ovaries, liver and fat tissues; 17-Beta Estradiol (E2); a premenopausal estrogen made in the ovaries; and E3, produced by the placenta during pregnancy. One’s hormone levels do not change very drastically so easily, it is usually gradual with age, unless there is some sudden health issue or trauma that hits someone. When this happens, the drop or rise in certain hormones takes place that further affects one’s mental or physical wellbeing. In both cases, medicines and certain health measures can help bring them back on track. But, it is important to consult a doctor than to self-medicate.

Checks and balances hormones work and impact your health

A healthy lifestyle is one that allows hormones to go about their jobs in a way that doesn’t overstep the brief. When they are produced in excess or allowed to operate without check, they can cause or worsen conditions like adult acne, baldness, nipple discharge in non-pregnant women, and hirsutism (growth of male pattern hair in females, on the chin and upper lip). It is a good idea to get yourself checked if you notice any of these changes in your body. The sooner you get yourself treated, the lesser the damage. At times, you may not even need medication but with the help of lifestyle changes, you can be able to undo the damage. However, it is important to make sure that you don’t ignore this as it can get worse with time. The good think is, physical changes like the ones listed above are easy to notice unlike mental triggers like mood swings including sadness, anger, confusion, etc.

Hormones work and impact your health

It’s generally in midlife, during your 30s and 40s, that hormones start to go awry. “This time period is packed with turmoil and concerns about family and career, which all leads to high levels of stress. A prolonged state of stress causes a decline in the nurturing hormone progesterone, and floods the system with the effects of the predominant hormone based on gender, either estrogen or testosterone.  

So, you’re short on calm, sleep and rest, and high on cortisol, which makes everything worse. While severe cases can be dealt with with low-dose oral contraceptives, progesterone pills or mild anti-depressants, they are not one-stop solutions.”

Hormones work and impact your health  Stress is at the heart of the problem. Take charge of it and it will change the way you lead your life. Dr Goel emphasises the importance of proper hydration, an antioxidant-rich diet that is also inclusive of serotonin-elevating foods like eggs, nuts, cheese and dark chocolate, regular exercise, yoga and some sort of spiritual healing practice. But you can start small and aim to eat regularly and get a good night’s sleep. Once your biological clock is set right, everything else—including mischief-making hormones—will follow.

Hormones work and impact your health  Making lifestyle changes like eating right, on time, and the right portion size is one way to bring your health back on track. Exercising for 30 daily minutes every day, which can include anything like running, brisk walking, gymming, etc is also important. Yoga has been found to be effective in calming one’s nerves and having a holistic benefit on one’s health. While there are different forms of yoga these days, you can opt for the traditional one which is more calming and can be done by people of all ages. Goes without saying, doing it under the guidance of a trained professional is important to not cause any damage.

Hormones work and impact your health  Get on the mat

Fitness trainer Rupal Sidhpura advises turning to yoga and regular cardio exercises, like running, gymming or even walking, to address hormonal problems. “Yoga and exercise work on the root of the problem and result in the proper functioning of the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands, and the testes or the ovaries that release hormones.” Postures like the rabbit pose (sasakasana), the head-to-knee pose (janu sirsasana), the mountain pose (parvatasana), and all the forward folds and twisting poses can balance hormones. But getting the right posture is important. Holding the pose for a certain time helps but exerting yourself too much in order to gain its benefits can work against you. So, do it regularly and you will get better with time as your flexibility improves

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