know how you can get vitamin D through different ways


A news published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics states 3 ways through which you can give your children vitamin D. We all know that vitamin D and calcium are very vital nutrients for our body. But not of us know the fact that we can only gain calcium when there is enough amount of vitamin d present in our body.

It is recommended that infants under 12 months get 400 international units of vitamin D daily from all sources and that children and adolescents get 600 IU daily.


1. Summer is coming up, and there will be many opportunities for kids to be out in the sun, eat more meals at home.


2. Foods rich in vitamin D, such as salmon or tuna, could be cooked on the grill alongside summer vegetables, Other fatty fish, fortified milk and yoghurt, fortified cereals and eggs also have good amounts of vitamin D.

3. A third option for getting vitamin D is taking a supplement. Although daily multivitamins aren’t recommended as necessary for children, supplementing with vitamin D could help those who don’t get it through food or sun exposure. These supplements are often available as liquids, chewable or pills, and some have both calcium and vitamin D.

These are the 3 ways through which you can get vitamin D.

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