'Lake Mansarover' and its association with various Religions

Lake Mansarover lies at 4,590 m above sea level, at Tibetian Plateau. Lake mansarover is basically a round shaped with the circumference of 88km. Its 300 ft in depth and its surface area is around 320 sq km. Lake Mansarover flows in Lake Rakhstal, both of them were earlier connected but moved apart due to earthquakes.

As Kailash Mansarover is the biggest "Teerth" for Hindus this Lake has lot of importance for many Devotees and different religions apart from Hinduism have sacred beliefs associated with it. 

1. According to Hinduism:- This Lake is epitome of not only scenic beauty but also it has high regard in Hindu mythology. Its a Hindu pilgrimage where people from India, Nepal, Tibet and other adjoining countries visit. As per Hindu religious beliefs this Lake was first imagined by Lord Brahma then it was created on Earth, whoever takes a bath in this Lake their sins are forgiven held for even a hundred years. 

2. According to Bon religion:- This religion is associated with Lord Zhang Zhung Meri. When the founder of this religion, Tonpa Shenrab, visited the lake for the first time he washed himself in the Lake.

3. According to Buddhism:- As per Buddhist literature, Lord Buddha came to this lake several times and meditated here. In meditative Tibetian tradition it is the "The Jewel of Tibet".

4. According to Jainism:- In this religion their pilgrimage are called Trithankars, and Lake Mansarover is termed as first Tirthankar, Rishabha

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