This person found a unique way to escape from Corona

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc all over the world and social distancing is the way to avoid this dangerous virus. People are doing social distance in their own ways. In America, people have given separate rooms to the elders of their home. The news has also come from India.  A person living in Hapur district here built a house on top of a tree.

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His name is Mukul Tyagi and he is a lawyer by profession. He has made his home on a tree near his house. Talking to the media, he said that doctors have said that there is only one way to avoid this epidemic. That is social distancing. For this reason, he has made up his mind to be in solitude.

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Mukul Tyagi sits on a tree and reads books. He says that here he find themselves close to nature. He has made his house on the tree. He sleeps on the bed on the tree comfortably. Below he has also tied a swing on which he comes down and rests.

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