Embarrassing: Parents of 4-month-old girl throw her into bushes

Betul: Betul district (Betul) of Madhya Pradesh has brought to light a case of shame on human beings. Here a 4-month-old innocent girl was thrown into the bushes by her family. Dogs were scratching the innocent lying in the bushes. Some young men came there as an angel and rescued the girl from the clutches of stray dogs.

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According to the information, near the railway goods warehouse in Multai, Betul, an innocent was rescued from the bushes who was hunted by stray dogs on Monday night. This innocent girl of about 4 months was tied with clothes and left to die in the bushes by her family. The child was severely injured by the dogs.

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Meanwhile, some people passing by heard the cry of the baby girl. When he went near and saw, his senses flew away. The girl tied in a bundle was screaming and the stray dogs were scratching her. Youths who came as an angel drove the dogs from there and took the girl to the hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, the police was also informed about the case. The girl has been referred to the district hospital after initial treatment. The police has started investigating the case. The kin of the child is being searched.

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