MP: Ration is being distributed to the people who died years ago

Dindori: The rice scam in Madhya Pradesh has shocked everyone. At the same time, in Dandori, the issue of distributing ration to the dead also by the state government for free has come to light. There are many such names in the eligibility slips for the ration received under the government scheme, which have died many years ago.

Along with the dead, there is a BPL ration card in the name of government employees and rich people who get salary of thousands of rupees, who are provided ration at cheaper rates from the government ration shop every month, while the needy poor eligible people are given the government scheme. The villagers have also complained about this to the responsible officials of the district, but till now the officials have not got any sleep over this matter.

The case has come out from Kukramrath and Khamha Grampanchayat of Samanpur district, where not one, not two, but dozens of dead people are mentioned in the eligibility slip for ration. At the Khamha Grampanchayat, government teachers Tulsiram and Vishnu Singh have been taking ration under the government scheme for the last 20 years. Not only this, Murali Singh, the ration shop operator, has himself made a ration card in his own name.

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