Madhya Pradesh Congress demands temple be opened from June 1

New Delhi: Due to the country-wide lockdown, on the one hand there has been a big challenge regarding the economy, on the other hand, there is a crisis of livelihood in front of the priests of the temples. The donation boxes are empty and the temple committee is worried over the pilgrims not coming to the temple in lockdown. Now the central government has issued guidelines to open the temples from June 8, but in Madhya Pradesh, Congress is demanding that the temples be opened from June 1.

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Due to the lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, people have been imprisoned in homes, which had its effect on the centers of faith of the people, even temples. Due to the lockdown, devotees are not able to visit the temple nor is any religious program being organized. Its effect is clearly visible in the two largest temples of Madhya Pradesh ie Mahakaleshwar of Ujjain and Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga of Khandwa. Mahakal is alone in the sanctorum due to the lockdown.

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Earlier Mahakaleshwar temple used to have a large number of devotees and there was no place to set foot, but the situation has changed due to lockdown. The same situation is also with the Omkareshwar temple situated on the banks of the Narmada River, where silence has spread. Due to the closure of the temple for the last 2 months, neither the devotees are coming nor offering. This has resulted in a huge decline in the income of the temple.

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