Madras HC slams Tamil Nadu govt for not implementing lockdown

Chennai: Like many states of the country, Tamil Nadu has an increase in cases of coronavirus infection. However, till now no restrictions have been announced on behalf of the state government. On this, the Madras High Court has made a strong comment, saying that the situation in the state is deteriorating and so far the lockdown has not been imposed.

Chief Justice of Madras High Court, Sanjib Banerjee has said that "The situation has become very serious in Tamil Nadu due to Corona, but till now the lockdown has not been imposed here". Even people are not wearing masks and taking a chance from the corona. After the Gujarat and UP High Court, the Madras High Court has expressed concern about the corona cases and commented on the steps taken by the government.

Earlier, on the order of the Gujarat High Court, the state government has imposed a night curfew in 20 districts of the state. Not only this, but the Allahabad High Court has also asked the Yogi government to consider imposing a night curfew. Meanwhile, the Delhi HC, while hearing some cases on Wednesday, said that it is mandatory to apply masks even while alone in the car. 

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