Maharashtra Govt Allocates 20% of Minority Welfare Funds to Waqf Board

NEW DELHI - In a significant move, the Maharashtra government has decided to allocate 20 percent of the funds earmarked for the welfare of minorities to the Waqf Board.

Prominent Islamic scholar Mufti Manzoor Ziai from Mumbai welcomed this decision, highlighting its potential to enhance the welfare of the Waqf Board and the minority communities it serves.

"It is a matter of happiness that the government has allocated 20 percent of the funds meant for minority welfare to the Waqf Board. These funds can now be utilized more effectively," Mufti Manzoor said. He emphasized that the decision should not be viewed through a political lens, as the funds were already designated for this purpose. "This money was already meant to be allocated, so releasing it to the Waqf Board is appropriate," he added.

According to a circular issued on Tuesday by Moin Tashlidar, Deputy Secretary in the Maharashtra government, the Waqf Board will receive Rs 2 crore from the Rs 10 crore allocated for minority welfare for the financial year 2024-25. Tashlidar assured that the remaining funds would also be distributed to other relevant bodies.

This allocation is a result of commitments made after a visit by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf, constituted by the Central Government, to Maharashtra from June 18, 2007, to June 22, 2007. The committee assessed the functioning of the Maharashtra State Waqf Board and its properties. Following the visit, the then chief minister pledged grants to the board, leading to the current allocation.

The Maharashtra government has allocated Rs 10 crore in this year's budget to strengthen the Maharashtra State Waqf Board. This decision is part of a broader commitment to support the board's activities and improve the management of Waqf properties across the state.

This release of funds marks a step towards fulfilling longstanding commitments and aims to enhance the infrastructure and capabilities of the Waqf Board, ensuring better services for minority communities in Maharashtra.

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