Know this beautiful episode related to Mahavir Jayanti

Today i.e. 6th April is the birth anniversary of Mahavir Swami. Mahavir Swami is considered the twenty-fourth Tirthankara in the tradition of Lord Shri Adinath, the founder of Jainism, and Mahavir Swami gave the Ahimsa Paramo Dharma Sutra. There are many such incidents in the life of Mahavir Swami, in which the sources of happiness and peace have been told. Today we are going to tell you one such incident. Let's know.

Mahavir Jayanti: Worship Lord Mahavir Swami with this aarti

Context - One day Mahavir Swami was doing penance in a forest. In the same forest some shepherds came to feed their cows and goats. All the shepherds were illiterate, they did not know anything about austerity. The shepherds saw Mahavir Swami sitting. They did not know that Mahavir was doing penance. The shepherds started joking with Mahavirji, but Swamiji was engrossed in his tenacity, he was not distracted by the shepherd's talk. In no time, this thing spread in the surrounding village. There were also some scholars in the village who knew Mahavir Swami.

Follow these10 teachings of Mahavir Swami to get life

All of them immediately reached the place in the forest, where Mahavirji was doing penance. When there was a crowd of people, Swamiji opened his eyes. Village scholars began to apologize for the shepherd's mistake. People talked about building a room for Swamiji. So that no one can become an obstacle in their practice. Lord Mahaveer listened to everyone's words in peace. All these shepherds, he said, are also my own. Small children scratch their parents' faces, parents are not angry with children because of this. I am not angry with these shepherds. You do not need to make room for me. Please spend this money for the welfare of the poor.

When is Mahavir Jayanti and who was Mahavir, know here

Learning of the subject- If a person inadvertently makes a mistake, then he can forgive that mistake and those who have done wrong things due to ignorance should be forgiven. It is said that forgiving others keeps our mind calm and happiness in life.

Must read Shri Mahavir Chalisa on this day

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