Showrooms open after lockdown, Leather Products in such condition

The world has come to a standstill due to Coronavirus. Due to this, schools, colleges, gyms, malls etc. are closed. People are not able to even shop, due to which clothes, shoes, bags etc. are also closed in the showroom. Pictures inside a showroom are becoming viral on social media. It is being claimed that when this showroom in Malaysia is open for the first time in 2 months, then the view inside was startling. Because most of the leather items kept in the showroom were damaged. You can see the fungus in them clearly in the pictures.

These photos were shared by Facebook user Nex Nezeum on 10 May. He wrote in the caption of the photos, 'There is no use to open shops ... because all the items kept in closed shops have been wasted for the last 2 months. 'His Facebook post has got more than 11 thousand likes and 46 thousand shares. The lockdown has been going on in Malaysia since 18 March. However, when some shops were opened two months later after getting some concessions in lockdown, the view of a leather shop was like this. People say that due to the shutdown of the shop's AC for two months, the shop must have accumulated a lot of moisture, due to which the products were molded. The products could not be maintained properly.

However, many people were surprised to see these pictures. Most of them have said that by looking at them, it seems as if this stuff has been closed in the shop for not more than 2 months but more than 1 year. While many people have described it as sad. Some also praised the man for highlighting the problem of traders.

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