Secret of 'arrow pillar' of Somnath temple is still alive today
Secret of 'arrow pillar' of Somnath temple is still alive today

There are many such secrets hidden in the world, about which no one has been able to find out till date. One such mystery is also hidden in the Somnath temple in Gujarat, which has been unresolved for centuries, that is, no one has solved its mystery till date. There is a pillar in the courtyard of the temple, which is known as 'arrow pillar'. That secret is hidden in this column, which surprises everyone. Today we is going to tell you about this column. Although no one knows when the Somnath temple was also built, but it was broken many times in history and then it was rebuilt. It was last reconstructed in 1951. To the south of the temple is the 'arrow pillar' on the sea side, which is very ancient. Along with the temple, it has also been renovated.

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However, from about the sixth century the 'arrow pillar' is mentioned in history. This means that even at that time this column was present there, only then it has been mentioned in books, but no one knows when it was built, who was made and why it was made. Experts say that the 'arrow pillar' is a directional column, with an arrow (arrow) made on its upper end, whose 'mouth' is towards the sea. On this arrow column is written: 'Asmudrant South Pole, till then uninterrupted Jyotirmarga'. This means that there is not a single barrier or obstacle in the straight line from this point of the sea to the south pole. This means that there is no piece of mountain or plot in this straight line. Now the biggest question is that even in that period, people knew that where is the South Pole and the Earth is round? How would they have discovered that there is no obstacle in the arrow of the arrow? It has remained a mystery till now. In today's time, it can be detected only by aircraft, drone or satellite.

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Now the Jyotirlinga is established in the place where a straight line is found on the western coast of India from the South Pole without any obstruction, which is considered to be the first of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India. The last line of the verse written on the arrow pillar, 'unobstructed jyotirmarga' is also like a mystery, because 'unobstructed' and 'passage' are understandable, but what is the jyotirmarga is completely beyond comprehension.

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