A place where people eat dead bodies after death
A place where people eat dead bodies after death

The methods of funeral are different in different parts of the world. In some places, the funeral practices are so strange that people are surprised to hear them. Have you ever heard that in some place, after death, people cut the dead body and eat it? Today we are going to tell you about one such tradition which will give you goosebumps.

8000 year old tradition of Indo-European areas: This practice is believed to be about 8000 years old in Indo-European areas. According to this tradition, after death, people cut the body of that person and eat it. The reason for doing this is believed to be that in this way respect and reverence is expressed towards the deceased. This practice is especially prevalent in rural and tribal communities.

People eat the dead body after letting it rot: In some places it has also been seen that people first let the dead body rot and then eat it. The dead body is allowed to rot until a watery substance starts coming out of it. Then this substance is used to make liquor, which people drink in memory of their loved ones.

Historical and scientific views related to the practice : Historically, the purpose of this practice is to give peace to the soul of the deceased and to preserve his memories. However, from a scientific point of view, it is considered dangerous for hygiene and health. Such practices can cause the spread of infection. Despite this, some experts believe that from an environmental point of view, this practice forms part of the natural cycle, which can have a positive impact on the environment.

Strange practices are prevalent in other parts of the world too: This is not limited to Indo-European regions only. Such strange and unique practices are also seen in many other parts of the world. However, this type of funeral is still considered strange in modern society and there are very few communities left that follow it.

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