Man forced woman to strip on a video call, send it to her husband

In yet another incident a man came in contact of a married woman threw social media. He then asked her to send him some private pictures. He then recorded her objectionable videos of a woman and then blackmailed her for some money

The Police official speaking about the issue said that the man lured the woman into stripping after meeting her on social media. He used to call her often and record objectionable videos of her. According to DCP Central Delhi Shweta Chauhan said, "Extortionist who lured a woman to strip on video call arrested by staff of Central district Cyber PS. The accused met the victim on social media and became friends with her, he used to video call her and record objectionable videos of victim."

According to the information, the accused started blackmailing and demanding money from the woman. The woman paid money to him initially but refused when he kept asking for more. DCP Chauhan said, "The accused had till now extorted Rs 1.25 lakhs from the victim and later demanded Rs 70,000 by threatening to make her clip public. When the victim denied paying more, the accused sent the video to her husband,"

Earlier in a similar incident was reported from the National capital where a 17-year-old  Boy who is a college student was nabbed for allegedly stalking and asking for sexual favors from a 14-year-old old girl. As per the information, The father of the victim claimed that his daughter shared some private pictures with a person. According to the information, the victim has shared some personal photos threw social media chats. After this the accused blackmailed the minor girl to circulate her nude pictures. The accused is presently pursuing graduation from the School of open learning, forcing the girl to share her private pictures. The accused also asked her for sexual favors.  

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