Wedding ring was lost three years ago, found in lockdown like this

A wedding ring is an invaluable asset of life for any husband and wife, which they always keep with them. But if this precious thing is ever lost, it hurts a lot. Something similar happened with a husband and wife living in America, whose ring was lost three years ago, which they have now found once again and that too from a restaurant. This restaurant is in New York and the couple with the ring is Mike and Lisa.

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Almost all the restaurants from New York to Florida are closed due to Coronavirus. Ryan Krivoy, manager of Coconut restaurant in Florida, thought that why not renovate the restaurant. After this, he got involved in cleaning the restaurant, when he got a ring and a gold coin. Mike and Lisa were written on that ring and a date was also written along with it. Now he could not understand what to do with this ring and gold coin. He told this to the restaurant's marketing manager Sasha Formica, after which Sasha took a picture of that ring and put it on Facebook and told the whole story.

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Sasha's post has become increasingly viral on social media. Around 5000 people shared his post on their Facebook timeline. The result was that the picture of the ring reached Mike and Lisa as well. After this, they contacted on the phone number given in the post. They spoke to Sasha and told that in 2017 they had come to his restaurant to eat, but in order to wash his hands, the ring had fallen out of his hand and fell somewhere. Mike's wife Lisa also showed Sasha a picture taken at the restaurant at the time, to make sure that the ring belongs to Mike. The ring was then returned to Mike and Lisa. The manager of the restaurant Ryan told that the ring was returned to its owner, but that gold coin, which was worth about $ 2000, which is about one lakh 54 thousand rupees, was put in the tip box, so that the staff working in the restaurant would give it to him. 

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