Heavy Snowfall in Himachal Pradesh Strands Hundreds of Vehicles in Atal Tunnel

The snowfall occurring in Himachal Pradesh during the month of April is undoubtedly beneficial for tourism in Manali, but it has also caused trouble for tourists coming to witness the snowfall. Heavy snowfall has led to a thick layer of snow on the road from Atal Tunnel Rohtang to Dhundi, increasing the risk of slipping. Consequently, hundreds of vehicles have been trapped in the tunnel, and traffic has not resumed through Atal Tunnel.

The rescue operation to safely evacuate the vehicles trapped in the tunnel has been ongoing for 10 hours. With the coordinated efforts of Manali administration and police, the vehicles are being safely guided to Manali. On Monday when tourists were heading towards Lahaul, it was raining.  Vehicles Stuck in Manali Snowfall Vehicles became trapped due to the rapid accumulation of snow in the south portal of the tunnel, facing Manali, while heading towards Lahaul. As a result, long lines of tourist vehicles quickly formed inside Atal Tunnel. About 800 tourists in 1,200 vehicles became stuck near Atal Tunnel. Noticing the increasing speed of snowfall, Manali police began turning tourists back.

The south portal facing Manali received 7 inches of snow, while the north portal facing Lahaul received 5 inches. Fortunately, all vehicles and their passengers were safely guided back to Manali by midnight.BRO (Border Roads Organization) began clearing the snow on the road. Vehicle movement through Atal Tunnel will resume once again. DC Kullu Torul S. Ravish stated that around 1,200 vehicles were trapped between Solang Nala, Dhundi, and the north portal due to heavy snowfall. There was a traffic jam approximately three kilometers long.

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