Many killed after UN peacekeepers open fire in eastern DRC

United Nations: After UN forces opened fire and killed two people of a village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that borders Uganda, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his outrage.

Military members of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO)  reportedly started shooting at locals on Sunday in Kasindi, North Kivu province. The DRC government, which strongly condemned the shooting, reported that in addition to the two deaths, 15 other people were also hurt in the horrific incident.

Guterres' deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq  said in a statement late Sunday that the secretary-general was "both shocked and horrified by the loss of life and significant injuries inflicted during this incident." Guterres also sent his grief to the families of the victims, the Congolese people, and the government of the Congo and wished the injured a swift recovery. The Secretary-General further stressed the necessity of "establishing accountability for these incidents." 

Several soldiers from the Intervention Brigade opened fire at the border checkpoint for "unexplained reasons," according to a dispatch from Bintou Keita, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in the DRC and leader of MONUSCO.

The MONUSCO chief described the soldiers' actions as "unspeakable and reckless" and claimed that the offenders had been identified and detained, pending the results of an investigation that had already begun in cooperation with the Congolese government. The peacekeepers' nationalities were not mentioned by the UN representative. In numerous places around the nation since July 25, tens of thousands of people have demonstrated against MONUSCO, particularly in Goma, the capital of North Kivu, where some of the UN mission's offices have been smashed and looted by protesters.

Violence broke out during the protests as demonstrators demanded that MONUSCO leave the nation for failing to protect people in the face of escalating conflict. The Congolese government reported that 15 people, including two MONUSCO police officers in the city of Butembo and a peacekeeper, had died during the protests in North Kivu.

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