Marital Rape: A battle we are yet to fight

Marriage has seldom been seen as a bond of love and trust, since the history of human civilization. It is sought as a license to an intercourse with your lawful spouse. The victim is not exclusively but frequently for sure, the wife.

We complain of the increase in the number of rapes at an alarming rate. Well, that certainly is something we should express a concern about, but before we comment further, we must be well informed that the figures that we seek as the number of rapes occurring are actually the number of rapes reported.

A woman’s sexuality is still a taboo, not just in the Indian society, but in several sections of the world. Conjectures stuck to the same assert that it is the woman who is solely responsible for the purity of her character. Like most of you may know, purity solely depends on the sexual status of the woman. Wait! The guide for the rules does not end here. You must also be informed that the rules apply only until you are not married. Once you are, the rules for you are altered.

The purity of a married woman resides in the will of her lawful husband. Our society grants the husband all the rights to push her wife to bed, with or without her consent. Before we seep into the details of the social guide to a good character, let us stop for a while and ponder, “How do You define Rape?”

The dictionaries define it as an act of intercourse without the consent of one of the partners. Well, isn’t that what our guide justified?

The sad part is that the victims of the issue accepted their exploitation as their destiny. These are the figures that were never reported about.

Women have been suffering the forced will of their lawful husband for a long time. This reflects towards our helplessness and the battle we are yet to fight.

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