Constantly using mask can also be harmful, know how?

In today's time, the whole world is struggling to escape the coronavirus at this time. In such a situation, no cure for this disease has been discovered so far, the only cure is the mask. Yes, to avoid corona infection, it is mandatory for the people to apply a mask on the mouth with social distension and corona can be avoided by applying the mask. But let us also tell you that continuous use of masks has a fatal effect on our health. Yes, because by applying the mask, our mouth and nose are covered and in such a situation, when exhaling, air reaches the eyes and there is a risk of eye infection.

Due to irritation in the eyes, a person takes his hand repeatedly to the eye and there is a risk of spreading corona virus infection through the eye. Not only this, but using the same mask of corona infected patients for several days, there is a risk of increasing viral load in the body. Yes, it is because the moisture in the mask gets out of the breath and the viruses coming out through the breath get stuck in the mask. After breathing again, they reach the body again and this increases the load of virus in the body.

It is important to be careful while using masks to avoid infection due to this corona virus. Keep in mind that not touching the mask repeatedly and not using the same mask continuously can protect you from coronavirus and can keep your health good.

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