Mata Sulakhin: Wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Mata Sulakhin wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji founder of Sikhism. She was an integral part of his life and played a significant role in supporting him in his spiritual journey and mission. Though historical records about her life are limited, the Sikh tradition reveres her as a devoted and virtuous woman who stood by Guru Nanak with unwavering love and dedication.

Mata Sulakhni Ji was born in the village of Pakhoke, Pakistan in the year 1473. She belonged to the Bajwa Rajput family, known for its bravery and valor. From a young age, she demonstrated qualities of compassion, piety, and humility, earning respect from her family and the community.

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The marriage of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Mata Sulakhni Ji took place in the year 1487. They were blessed with two sons, Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das, who later became prominent figures in Sikh history. Their marriage was based on love, respect, and a shared spiritual understanding. Mata Sulakhni Ji stood as a pillar of support for Guru Nanak throughout his life, encouraging and nurturing his spiritual growth.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji embarked on a series of spiritual journeys, known as Udasis, during which he traveled extensively to various regions, spreading his message of unity, love, and devotion to the one Supreme Creator, challenging social norms and advocating for equality and justice for all. During his travels, Mata Sulakhni Ji took on the responsibility of managing the household and looking after their children.

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She exemplified the values of Sikhism in her daily life, practicing meditation, and living a simple and humble existence. She supported Guru Nanak's teachings, spreading the message of selfless service, equality, and compassion to those around her. As Guru Nanak's spiritual mission gained momentum, he attracted a large following, and Mata Sulakhni Ji played an essential role in providing hospitality and care to the growing number of devotees who visited their home.

One of the notable incidents in Mata Sulakhni Ji's life was her reaction to a fire that broke out in their home. Legend has it that when Guru Nanak was away on one of his journeys, their house caught fire. Upon returning, he asked Mata Sulakhni Ji about the incident, to which she replied that the only thing she could salvage was a box of religious scriptures. Guru Nanak was pleased with her response, as it highlighted her devotion to spiritual pursuits over material possessions.

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Mata Sulakhni Ji's character and devotion are further illustrated in the story of her sending Guru Nanak to graze cattle. Once, in his childhood, Guru Nanak was watching over the family's cattle when he fell into deep meditation and did not notice the cattle straying into the neighboring farmer's fields. The neighboring farmer complained to Mata Sulakhni Ji about the incident. Instead of scolding her son, she advised Guru Nanak to pay attention to his responsibilities but also recognized his deep spiritual nature.

As time passed, Guru Nanak Dev Ji's teachings continued to inspire many people, leading to the formation of a community of followers who became known as Sikhs. Mata Sulakhni Ji became a respected figure within the Sikh community, and her influence extended beyond the household.

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 Mata Sulakhni Ji departed from this world before Guru Nanak, leaving behind a legacy of devotion and love for her family and Guru. Her departure is said to have profoundly impacted Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who expressed his sorrow through the composition of hymns that highlight the pain of separation and the eternal bond of love between the soul and the Divine.

 Mata Sulakhni Ji, the wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, holds a special place in Sikh history and tradition. Her life exemplified the virtues of a dedicated and loving spouse, supporting her husband in his spiritual pursuits and contributing to the growth of the Sikh community. Her devotion to Guru Nanak and her commitment to Sikh values make her an inspirational figure for Sikhs and people of all backgrounds alike.

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