Mathias de Liszt's big statement, says 'Ronaldo is 35 years old, hard to believe'

Italy's football club Juventus star center back Matthias de Liszt has said that when one sees Cristiano Ronaldo training, it becomes hard to believe that he is 35 years old. Describing the Portuguese star as the superstar of his generation, de Liszt said that Ronaldo is a great example for young players.

Tutosport wrote to De Liszt, "I improve my way of playing by watching him because he puts a lot of energy into training and you are surprised to see that he is 35 years old."

This player, who came from Jujantas to Ajax, has praised his team. He said, "Our team is really good, there are many good players in the team. The most fun comes with the South American players. Apart from Ronaldo I was very impressed with Paulo Diabla and Rodrigo Bentacur. Both the players have excellent technique. Rodrigo, in particular, has a wonderful future ahead of him.

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