Bhavina Patel's life leaned on wheelchair due to poverty and carelessness, won world with strong intentions

New Delhi: Bhavina Patel has raised the country's honor. In fact, she has won India's first medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Yes, this Table Tennis player from India has achieved the feat that no one has ever done at the Paralympic Games. Bhavina Patel remained confined to a wheelchair due to poverty and negligence, but despite this, she flew with her intentions and courage that today the entire country is mentioning her. Tell you that Bhavina is a Class 4 para-athlete and the hands of this category of sportspersons are completely safe. In fact, their weakness can cause a lower spinal cord injury or severe palsy. Let me tell you that Bhavina had polio at the age of one and that forced her to remain in a wheelchair.

Bhavina Patel was born on November 6, 1986, in Vadnagar, Gujarat. Her family's financial condition was not good. In fact, her father ran a small shop to administer the house, and when Bhavina was one year old, her father found out that her daughter had polio. Bhavina's family did a lot to make her stand on her feet but didn't succeed. Bhavina was taken to Visakhapatnam by her family and underwent surgery here but did not get good care after the surgery. In fact, there was negligence on the part of the necessary exercise and diet and that forced her to rest in a wheelchair. Bhavina studied in the village till the 12th. Earlier Bhavina wanted to become a teacher but was rejected in many places because of her body.

Meanwhile, her father read about an NGO of blind people in the newspaper and sent her daughter there. Bhavina took a computer course here and also graduated from Gujarat University. Lalan, the coach of the same NGO, is said to have brought the guilty Bhavina into the world of sports and after winning her first National Gold Medal in Bengaluru, Bhavina started playing table tennis with great seriousness. Bhavina participated in the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi but was knocked out in the quarterfinals. She then won the Para Table Tennis Thailand Open in 2011.

She then won the Asian Regional Championships in 2013. Bhavina then participated in 29 international tournaments in which she won five gold, 13 silver, and one bronze medal. She was the first Indian woman who qualified in table tennis for India in Paralympic history and today became the first table tennis player in the country to win a silver medal.

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