Chief Minister Shivraj Singh says, 'Lockdown to be extended in new form'

Bhopal: The number of Corona patients is increasing throughout the country. In view of this, the government will pursue the lockdown with a new format. Yes, recently Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said that the lock down will continue, but it will be extended in a new form. Farmers will be given exemption in this. Information about what will be the new form will be given soon. He said that it is not good to remove the lock down now. The people of the state are affected by this. Compromise cannot be done at the cost of public life. The Chief Minister said this while talking to journalists from across the state through video conferencing on Sunday afternoon.

Chief Minister said that the death toll in Indore increased because most people came in such a situation when their disease increased. Corona is not dangerous, if people get treatment in time, it can be cured. If it reaches the lungs then it becomes difficult for the person to escape. The same thing happened in Indore, by the time people reached the hospital, the infection had reached their lungs. Due to this, people died untimely.

Chief Minister said that a four-tier plan has been prepared for better treatment of people suffering from corona infection. Bhopal and Indore are divided into several different zones. State-level Crisis Management groups have been formed at district-level to free the state from corona. Based on the data, the corona-affected hot-spots have been identified and converted into containment areas. Strict adherence to lock-down has been ensured in all districts. Total lock-down has been done to prevent community infection in Indore, Bhopal and Ujjain. A micro management plan is being prepared, proper identification of Corona patients, tracing them and then testing and treatment is being done.

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