This medicine used in treatment of corona, Modi government prohibits sale

New Delhi: Government of India has banned the retail sale of the drug 'Hydrochloricasan', which is being used in the treatment of Coronavirus. On Thursday, the Ministry of Health issued a notification informing the ban on the retail sale of 'hydrochloricasan' drug used in the treatment of COVID-19.

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'Hydrochloricasan' medicine is used to cure malaria. Now this medicine will not be available at medical stores. It would now be illegal to sell it in retail. In the last 24 hours, a total of 88 cases of Coronavirus have been reported in the whole of India and so far a total of 694 people have been infected with COVID-19. While more than 16 people have died in the country due to Corona.

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In the notification issued by the Central Government to stop the retail sale of 'hydrochloricasan', it has been argued that in view of the circumstances due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the country, the retail sale of hydrochloricasan has been banned. It was necessary to ban this medicine so that no misuse of this medicine is necessary for the treatment of corona. The Modi government has banned the retail sale of 'hydrochloricasan' under the Drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940.

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