Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes for Sweet and Savory Pies

Pie lovers and vegans rejoice! If you thought that going vegan meant missing out on delicious pies, think again. In this delectable journey, we'll explore 20 mouthwatering vegan recipes that encompass both the sweetness of dessert pies and the savory goodness of main course pies. Whether you're hosting a dinner party, craving a comforting meal, or simply have a hankering for something delightful, these vegan pie recipes will surely tantalize your taste buds.


Vegan pies are a delightful and compassionate twist on traditional pie recipes. By omitting animal products and incorporating plant-based ingredients, these pies offer a guilt-free indulgence that's better for your health and the environment. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just exploring this culinary path, these recipes are bound to satisfy your cravings.

Tips for Baking the Perfect Vegan Pie Crust

Before we dive into the recipes, let's talk about the foundation of any great pie – the crust. Creating a flaky, flavorful vegan pie crust is an art that involves choosing the right fats, handling the dough with care, and achieving the perfect bake. Here are some tips to ensure your vegan pie crust turns out impeccable every time:

Use coconut oil, vegan butter, or nut-based fats for a rich flavor. Keep all ingredients cold to prevent the fats from melting prematurely. Incorporate a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar for tenderness. Opt for plant-based milk or ice water to bind the dough. Pre-bake the crust slightly before adding wet fillings to prevent sogginess.

Sweet Vegan Pie Recipes

Classic Vegan Apple Pie

There's nothing quite as comforting as the aroma of a freshly baked apple pie. This vegan version retains all the traditional flavors by using a mix of tart and sweet apples, cinnamon, and a hint of nutmeg. The result? A slice of heaven on your plate.

Rich and Creamy Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie

For the chocolate aficionados, this pie is a dream come true. A velvety, silken chocolate filling rests atop a crispy vegan pie crust, offering a symphony of textures and a burst of cocoa goodness.

Zesty Vegan Key Lime Pie

Capture the tangy essence of the Florida Keys with this zesty pie. A smooth and citrusy filling made from blended cashews and fresh key lime juice is nestled in a gluten-free almond crust.

Irresistible Vegan Pecan Pie

Pecan pie lovers, rejoice! This vegan twist on a Southern classic boasts a gooey, pecan-packed filling with the perfect balance of sweetness and crunch.

Blissful Vegan Mixed Berry Galette

When simplicity meets elegance, you get this delightful mixed berry galette. A medley of vibrant berries is wrapped in a flaky, rustic crust, creating a dessert that's as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Heavenly Vegan Banoffee Pie

Experience sheer decadence with this banoffee pie. Creamy banana-toffee filling meets a chocolatey Oreo crust, creating a heavenly dessert that's a true indulgence.

Savory Vegan Pie Recipes

Hearty Vegan Pot Pie with Seitan and Veggies

Warm up your soul with this hearty pot pie. Tender seitan, colorful vegetables, and a savory vegan gravy come together in a comforting embrace, all encased in a golden-brown crust.

Vegan Shepherd's Pie with a Twist

Put a creative spin on the classic shepherd's pie by using lentils and a mix of root vegetables. This savory masterpiece is topped with creamy mashed cauliflower, making it a wholesome delight.

Creamy Chickpea and Spinach Vegan Quiche

Quiche lovers, this one's for you. Silken tofu blended with chickpea flour creates a custard-like base, while spinach adds a burst of color and nutrition to this savory quiche.

Spicy Lentil and Vegetable Hand Pies

For a handheld treat that's perfect on the go, these spicy lentil and vegetable hand pies are a winner. A mix of lentils, aromatic spices, and veggies are enclosed in a flaky pastry, offering a burst of flavor in every bite.

Tempeh and Mushroom Vegan Tourtière

Originating from Quebec, tourtière is a traditional meat pie often enjoyed during the holidays. This vegan version features a hearty filling of tempeh, mushrooms, and aromatic spices, all nestled in a buttery crust.

Roasted Veggie Vegan Galette with Herbed Crust

Gather your favorite roasted vegetables and showcase them in this stunning galette. A fragrant herbed crust cradles an array of veggies, creating a savory masterpiece that's as delicious as it is picturesque.

Creative Vegan Pie Crust Alternatives

While a traditional pie crust is undeniably delightful, there are creative alternatives that can elevate your pie game. Experiment with nut-based crusts, oat and date crumbles, or even sweet potato crusts for a unique twist on your favorite pies.

Serving and Pairing Suggestions

Pairing the right pie with the right accompaniments can take your culinary experience to the next level. Serve sweet pies with a dollop of coconut whipped cream or a scoop of vegan vanilla ice cream. Savory pies shine when served with a crisp side salad or a medley of steamed veggies.

In conclusion, these 20 mouthwatering vegan recipes for sweet and savory pies demonstrate the incredible versatility and deliciousness of plant-based cuisine. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, these recipes offer a wonderful opportunity to explore new flavors, experiment with ingredients, and treat yourself to a slice of vegan goodness. So, roll up your sleeves, preheat that oven, and embark on a journey of culinary delight that's both compassionate and utterly delectable.

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