Mumbai Flood: 5 died and 7 missing, Warning of heavy rain is issued

MUMBAI: The Meteorological Department has issued a warning of heavy rains including Mumbai and Delhi today. As, since last two days Heavy rains that took place in Mumbai which results in the death of five people and also reports of missing 7 registered.

The rain is still stagnant in Mumbai but the trouble remains intact. Many areas still have accumulated with water. The Meteorological Department has estimated heavy rains for the next two days.

People trapped in stations throughout the night:

BMC's budget is of crores, but in every rain, it looks like knee jerks. In just 12 hours of rain, the scars of destruction are scattered everywhere in Mumbai. Local trains are Lifeline of Mumbai but after one day of rain, people are getting stalled. The condition is that people, who were trapped in stations or trains throughout the night, had to fix their destination after walking in the morning even after the rain stopped.

What happened to BMC's promise?

In 2005, BMC promised that now Mumbai will never face such situations. Crores rupees projects were started in the name of this promise. A committee was formed that said there should be special pumping stations to remove the water coming suddenly in the monsoon. There was a plan to construct 8 pumping stations, but only 5 of them are currently working. Three pumping stations still can not work.

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