Naxalites released photo of cobra commando Rakeshwar Singh held hostage after Bijapur encounter

Raipur: A picture of the missing Cobra commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhas has emerged after an encounter with Naxalites on the Bijapur-Sukma border in Chhattisgarh on Saturday last week. The Naxalites have claimed that the commando Rakeshwar Singh is with them. At the same time, CRPF has also confirmed that the picture in the media is of the missing jawan.

Naxalites have released a picture of Rakeshwar Singh on Wednesday morning. In the picture, Rakeshwar is sitting on the ground and is seen in fine condition. Actually, a local journalist of Sukma had claimed that the Naxalites had sent him this photo. According to the journalist, he was also called by Naxalites. Talking to the government news agency ANI, journalist Ganesh Mishra had told that he received a call twice from the Naxalites. 

According to Ganesh Mishra, 'Naxalites told me that the young man is with them. He said that the jawan was shot and he has been given medical treatment. He will be released in two days'.On the other hand, his family has appealed to the government that steps should be taken at the earliest to release the jawan properly and safely.



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