Dispute between India and China increases, need to take lesson

Jammu: Due to the increasing tension about India and China, the problems of people are increasing even more for a few days. The ongoing tensions with India over LAC in eastern Ladakh have proved once again. Where China does not respect other countries and what they say has no meaning. Many experts have also warned that many countries need to learn lessons from the Indo-China border tension.

US National Security Advisor Robert C O Jah is also being told that Brian said, America has finally come to know about the Communist Party of China and its danger. We believed that as China would prosper and become stronger, the Communist Party would fulfill the democratic aspirations of its people, but unfortunately we have been proved wrong. This is the biggest failure of US foreign policy since the 1930s. How did we make such a mistake? How did we fail to understand the nature of the Chinese Communist Party? The answer is simple because we did not pay attention to the ideology of the Communist Party. The Communist Party wants complete control over its people.

According to the information received, whether it is economic control or political, whether physical control or mental. Its sole purpose is being fully controlled. The vandalism in the Galvan valley on 15 June tells a lot about China's behavior. China is now more expansionary and aggressive than before. According to Shangri La Dialogue Senior Fellow for Asia Pacific Security, Dr. Yuan Graham, China is currently engaged on many fronts. Military standoff with Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and the South China Sea. The biggest worry is what will be his next step. Unfortunately, China is now claiming an area it never owned.

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