EU asks Netflix to shut down HD video

Half the world is imprisoned in homes due to the coronavirus. Millions of people are working from home. In addition, people who are home are spending their time watching online videos and playing games. Meanwhile, the European Union has asked platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video Streaming to stop showing videos in high definition (HD) quality. Otherwise, there may be an internet outage problem as users grow.

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Simultaneously, European Commissioner Thierry Bretton has tweeted that all UK companies should be streaming video in standard definition (SD) quality for a few days. Thierry made this tweet based on a conversation with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. He used #SwitchtoStandard and said that it should be turned off when HD is not necessary. After this tweet, a Netflix spokesperson told CNN Business that Hastings and Bretton will discuss the issue again on Thursday.

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A Netflix spokesperson said, "Commissioner Breton is right to ensure that the Internet runs smoothly at this critical time." "We've focused on network efficiency for many years, including Providing our open connect service to telecom companies also exists. On the other hand, Netflix has said that it has already adjusted the video quality so that people continue to get good video quality even on low bandwidth.

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