Nirbhaya's culprits get one more chance, Supreme Court to file 'curative petition'

New Delhi: Those guilty of the Nirbhaya rape case can file curative petitions in the apex court on Monday (January 06) to avoid capital punishment. The convicts had responded to the Tihar Jail Administration's notice that they would file a curative petition in the Supreme Court before sending a mercy petition to the President to avoid capital punishment. Filing a curative petition in the apex court before the mercy petition is the legal right of the convict, which they must use.

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Nirbhaya's mother's plea was heard on the same day in Patiala House Trial Court in Delhi after Akshay's reconsideration plea in the Supreme Court was dismissed on 18 December. The trial court ordered the jail administration to issue a notice to the culprits and ask them what legal way they would take in their defense after the reconsideration petitions were dismissed and in how many days.

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Nirbhaya's mother requested the trial court to issue a black warrant to hang the culprits. The black warrant issues the same lower court, the sessions court in which the trial of the case has taken place. The Tihar Jail administration issued notice to the 4 convicts on Wednesday, giving them 7 days to file a mercy petition with President Ram Nath Kovind.

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