Nuts aid in controlling blood sugar and weight in Type 2 diabetes

As per the recent Studies made, it has been  proposed that consuming nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts may benefit blood sugar control in people  suffering from type 2 diabetes. 


our lifestyle, majorly our diet, can have a huge affect on our overall health specially  when someone suffers from diabetes. In that case, nuts are a good option for food  for people with type 2 diabetes as they are enriched with nutrients that  help us maintain blood sugar, encourag heart health, and  help in  weight loss.

Nuts are thought as a great snack food option for people suffering from diabetes because they have low  carbohydrates and high nutrient content such as protein, fibre, healthy fats, and antioxidants.

Well, salted nuts may promote the risk of complications related to diabetes.

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