Oatmeal and Tuna Fish are the secret of good sleep

Do you know that a bad diet can spoil your sleep. It would seem a little strange to hear, but this is true. It is very important to have a good sleep to stay healthy. Today, we are going to tell you which food provides good sleep.

1- Most people eat oatmeal at breakfast time. But let me tell you that if you want to get a good sleep, then take it during the night. There is a huge amount of carbohydrate in the oatmeal which helps in secretion of serotonin. Serotonin is a good hormone, which acts to reduce stress and calm your mind. Due to the abundance of carbohydrates in oatmeal it enhances the level of your blood, thereby increasing the formation of insulin in your body and secreting the brain's chemicals. Add half an apple in your meal while eating oatmeal in the night, along with adding cinnamon, you can get a good and pleasant sleep.

2. In tuna fish, there is plenty of vitamin B6 present, which is essential for the formation of melatonin. Melatonin is a sleep-enhancing hormone, which increases when it is dark. Because of which we can get a good sleep.

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