Pakistan to compensate victims of 9/11 as the attacks planned in Karachi: Chris Alexander

Canada: Chris Alexander, a former Canadian minister and ambassador, has slammed Pakistan, saying that Pakistan should recompense 9/11 victims because the attacks were planned in Karachi.

The Afghan assets belong to the Afghan people, not the Pakistanis said the former Canadian ambassador to Afghanistan. "The Central Bank of Afghanistan's assets belongs to Afghans, not terrorist proxies or victims of the Pakistani military. Pakistan should recompense victims of the 9/11 attacks in Karachi, which were plotted under a Pakistani leader who was shielded until 2011 "In a tweet with the hashtag SanctionPakistan, Alexander, Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, remarked.

Alexander went on to say, the “9/11 terror attacks were planned in Karachi by a leader supported by Pakistan, and as a result, Pakistan should be the one to recompense 9/11 victims”. Alexander also stated that the monies belonged to the Afghans, not the Pakistani military's terrorist proxies, most likely alluding to the Taliban. The US has declared that it will contribute half of Afghanistan's USD 7 billion fund for 9/11 victims.

"Six months ago, the United States, the United Nations, and NATO abandoned Afghanistan to terrorist thugs backed by Pakistan. Stop adhering to a failed approach that is inflicting pain on Afghans and jeopardising global security. Act now to put a stop to famine and oppression ", Alexander sent out another tweet.

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