Parents should behave like this with children

"When the son's shoes start fitting the father's feet, then understand that the boy has grown up." This saying is often heard, which tells that when children grow up, they should be treated as friends and not just a children. But should parents become friends of their children? Will this end the fear in children and they will walk on the right path? Let us know what are the benefits of 'friendly parenting' and what are the right ways to adopt it.

Benefits of friendly parenting

1. Talks happen openly

When parents behave friendly with children, children can share their problems, feelings, and thoughts easily. You must have seen children talking to their friends and how openly they talk. Similarly, if you also behave like a friend, then children will also talk openly with you.

2. Trust is built

Friendly parenting builds trust in your child. Children can share issues with you that they might not talk about with their 'discipline-teaching' parents. Because of this trust, they will listen to your advice and take it seriously.

3. Positive guidance

When you behave friendly with children, you can understand their problems and thoughts better. This helps you explain to them the difference between right and wrong. Your relationship also becomes stronger and children take your words seriously.

Ways to be a friendly parent

1. Listen carefully

Listen carefully to what your children say and try to understand them. This will make them feel that you value their problems and ideas.

2. Don't be judgemental

Accept children's feelings and thoughts without judging them. This will enable children to share their thoughts openly and they will not be afraid of you.

3. Communicate positively

Have positive and encouraging conversations with children. This will encourage them to share their ideas and maintain a good relationship between you two.

4. Spend time together

Spend time with children, join in their games, and participate in their activities. This will reduce the distance between you two and build a strong friendship.

5. Keep the faith

Win the trust of children and make them feel that they can discuss anything with you. When children trust you, they will share their problems and questions with you. With friendly parenting, you can build a better relationship with children and provide them with a safe and open environment. This will not only give children a chance to express themselves but will also improve their relationship with you.

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