Protest in Patna to bring back students from Kota, many arrested

Patna: In Bihar, the case of the return of students from Rajasthan's Kota is getting heated. Demand to bring back Kota students at Patna University's gate has led to protests by other students. Patna University Students Union President Manish Kumar and his fellow students who are protesting have been arrested by the police.

During the lock-down, all these students had come to sit on the dharna to bring back the students of Kota Patna University Gate today, but with the seating, the Pirbor police reached there and arrested the students. During this, there was a fierce clash between the police and the students. Explain that due to the lockdown in Rajasthan's quota, children from many states including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Bihar were trapped. These children come here to study coaching.

All the states except Bihar have recalled their children, but the Nitish government of Bihar has decided not to call the children back. Kota children protested against Nitish government's decision, so now university students are protesting in Patna. Meanwhile, CM Nitish Kumar has yesterday demanded a policy from PM Narendra Modi through video conferencing. He said that if the movement is not allowed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, then how are children being called.

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