British Prime Minister Johnson speaks with PM Modi, these issues discussed

London: Britain's newly appointed PM Boris Johnson has held talks with PM Narendra Modi. PM Modi had congratulated Johnson on the victory after winning the elections in the past. The 2 top leaders held a series of talks to continue cooperation in the field of trade, defense, and security. The ruling Conservative Party of Britain has won the Lok Sabha elections with a strong majority.

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Boris Johnson has become PM once again. Along with this, 3 Indian-origin leaders have been given ministership in Boris Johnson's People's Cabinet. Earlier, British PM Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump spoke on bilateral relations during the phone talks. White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere said in a tweet that during the phone talks on Monday, the 2 leaders reiterated their commitment to strengthen cooperation on a number of important issues, including the US-UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations.

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White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere has further told that Donald Trump also congratulated Boris Johnson for victory in the Lok Sabha elections. Johnson has again become PM after a landslide victory in the December 12 Lok Sabha election.

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