Immediate cure for pneumonia is possible, know its symptoms and prevention

Yesterday World Pneumonia Day was celebrated, on this occasion, we are going to share with you about the symptoms of this disease and its treatment. Yes, as we all know, pneumonia is an infection related to lungs, which is caused by mostly bacteria, virus or fungal. The risk of pneumonia increases even more after the changing seasons and diseases like measles and chickenpox. According to statistics, pneumonia is the most frequent attack in children and the elderly because they are extremely low in immunity.

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Three types of tests are done to detect pneumonia. These are CBC, chest x-ray and mucus examination. The total blood count is seen in CBC. If there is more than 12,000 RBC normal range ie red blood cells, then pneumonia can occur. If the X-ray shows white spots in the chest, it also indicates pneumonia. According to a report, 15% of deaths in children under 5 are due to pneumonia. Children usually have viral pneumonia, while smokers have bacteria. Pneumonia usually occurs after a fever or a cold and it resolves in 10–12 days. But sometimes it also becomes dangerous.

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Prevent pneumonia 1- Drink hot coffee to prevent pneumonia. The caffeine present in coffee kills lung congestion. Apart from this, honey has also been considered effective in preventing pneumonia. The antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties present in it provide relief in the phlegm and cold caused by pneumonia.

2- Peppermint is anti-inflammatory which reduces the congestion present in the chest. Also, it provides relief in sore throat and removes phlegm.

3- Immunization is necessary. Vaccine children younger than 2 years and over 65 years of age. Those whose immunity is weak should also be vaccinated. 4 - Keep a napkin on your mouth while coughing so that you do not attack others by removing germs from the mouth. If someone has a cough, stay away from it.

Follow these tips to get rid of Baldness 5 - In pneumonia, drinking hot tea of ginger and turmeric is believed to relieve chest pain caused by a persistent cough. The roots of ginger and turmeric plants are very beneficial for health.

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