Delhi Riots: Postmortem report reveals, IB Officer Ankit Sharma died after being stabbed multiple times

New Delhi: The violence erupted in the national capital Delhi over the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). But after the violence stops, the wounds have started showing. The post-mortem report of Intelligence Bureau (IB) employee Ankit Sharma, who was a victim of crowd brutality, has revealed many such facts which are surprising.

According to the report, Ankit Sharma was stabbed in his body countless times with knife wounds on his chest. The post-mortem report by IB employee Ankit Sharma has made shocking revelations. In this, there are countless knife wounds on Ankit Sharma's body, in which the stomach-chest has been hit the most. The post-mortem report shows that Ankit Sharma was brutally murdered and the miscreants demonstrated cruelty.

According to the FIR filed by Ankit Sharma's father, a case has been registered in this case under sections 302, 201, 365, 34 of IPC. According to the FIR, Ankit was his younger son. Protests against the CAA were going on for several days on the route from Bhajanpura to Karaval Nagar. During this time, there were incidents of stone-pelting, arson and firing among the crowd.

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