Coronavirus reaches South Korea, these many new cases reported
Coronavirus reaches South Korea, these many new cases reported

There has been a rapid increase in cases of infection with the coronavirus outside India's neighbouring country China. According to foreign media, the number of infected people has increased to 1,595 after 334 new cases of virus infection in South Korea. However, according to Iran's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the death toll is stable at 12. On the other hand, 22 people have died due to virus infection in Iran while 141 cases have been registered.

For your information, let us tell you that in the meantime, US and South Korean forces have postponed their joint military exercise. On behalf of the Combined Forces Command, it has been said that Seoul has issued a very serious level alert regarding the corona virus, after which this decision has been taken. The official statement said that the military exercises of the armies of both countries are postponed until the next notice is issued.

Let us tell you that the Coronavirus has now spread from 20 states to 31 states in Iran. Here after crew members of the Coronavirus affected ship, Diamond Princess, in Japan, crew members have also started leaving it. The statement issued by the government said that the ship will now be sent to another place. An official of the Japanese Ministry of Health said that on Thursday, 240 crew members started leaving the cruise. Here, all the school colleges in Sindh and Baluchistan province have been closed after two people who returned to Karachi from Iran to Pakistan have been infected with Korana virus. The government of Balochistan had announced the closure of all educational institutions in the province till 15 March. In this way, there has been a stir in the administration after the Corona virus cases in Pakistan. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has banned travel to Mecca and Kaaba, the holiest sites of Islam, in view of the threat of the Coronavirus.

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