Private jet to take the trapped petes to Mumbai for lockdown

New Delhi: Millions of people were trapped due to the lockdown. Somehow they reached home, but their pets remained there. Because there was no permission. Now Deepika Singh, a cyber security researcher from Mumbai, has booked a private plane to bring some pets. The jet has a total of six seats for petes and has also got passengers for four. These include three dogs and a bird. For the jet to fly, two passengers will be required. Currently, the fare for each seat is Rs 1.6 lakh. If there is not a total of 6 passengers, the fare will increase.

Talking to the media, Deepika told that she was looking at the plane to bring some of her relatives from Delhi to Mumbai. Then he came to know that people do not allow him to travel when traveling with Pets. He talked about booking a private plane separately for Pets and a private company agreed to it. Domestic flights have started after getting permission from the Civil Aviation Ministry. Which aircraft the company will use, it is not finalized yet but according to its owner Rahul Muchhal, it could be a 5 to 8 seat plane.

These jets can weigh about 75 kg per seat. However, the weight of these pets will be less than that. Deepika feels that more than six pets will also come in the aircraft. So they have given an email id so that those who want to book jet for their pets can contact them. Muchhal said that they can also regularize this service on demand.

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